Credit/Debt/Loans Is A Fully Paid-Off Home in Retirement Really Worth It? Retirees have more mortgage debt than ever before.
Retirement New SECURE 2.0 Super 401(k) Catch-Up Contribution for Ages 60-63 The SECURE 2.0 Act, signed in late 2022, has significantly changed retirement savings rules in recent years.
Retirement Four Sources of Retirement Income Besides Social Security Social Security checks are getting a boost next year, but if you're a retiree, you'll probably still need money from other sources to make ends meet.
Taxes Final IRS Regulations: Important News on RMDs and Beneficiaries On July 18, 2024, the IRS released final regulations on required minimum distributions (RMDs) and beneficiary options.
Retirement How to Find an Old 401(k) Account Workers change jobs every 4.2 years on average, according to the most recent Employee Tenure Summary from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Retirement Secure 2.0 Holds Lots of Benefits for Clients The devil isn’t in the details of the SECURE 2.0 Act, but the details could bedevil savers who want to use the new advantages in their retirement strategies.
Retirement Best Ways to Use Your 401(k) Without a Penalty For those who invest in their 401(k) plan, the traditional thinking is to wait until retirement before taking distributions or withdrawals from the account.
Retirement How to Calculate Early Withdrawal Penalties on a 401(k) Account If you are thinking of withdrawing money from your 401(k) plan before age 59-1/2, be aware of the potential IRS penalties and taxes.
Retirement Unprecedented 401(k) Boost For 2023 On October 21. 2022 the IRS announced a record increase in contribution limits to 401(k) and other tax-deferred retirement plans for 2023.
Retirement What Makes Lancaster the Best Place to Retire? Lancaster has a mix of small-town charm and amenities that appeal to many retirees.
Retirement How do you value your time? In a new book, a hospice physician shares the lessons he's learned from the dying about values and purpose, and how we choose to spend our time on earth.
Retirement Annuity Illustrations Are Coming Soon To Your 401(k) Statement Those of you who participate in 401(k) plans or certain 403(b) plans should see something new on your next quarterly statement for the period ending June 30, 2022.
Retirement Retirement Costs You May Not Have Thought Of Retirement planning involves identifying expenses, sources of income, and saving enough money to cover a certain percentage of your living expenses.
Taxes Now You Can Save More for Retirement: 2022 Contribution Limits The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) evaluates and updates qualified retirement account contribution limits each year.
Retirement The Best States for Retirees In addition to when to retire, a good question to ask is where.
Retirement Retirement Uses For Your Health Savings Account (HSA) Most everyone knows about the use of an IRA or 401(k) account for retirement, but I suspect few understand that a Health Savings Account can also be considered an important retirement account.
Retirement Reasons To Think Twice About A 72(t) Payment Plan Don't be lured into withdrawing IRA funds before age 59-1/2 by an IRS rule that allows you to avoid the 10% penalty.
Retirement Things You Need To Know About Your Inherited IRA A significant percentage of IRA assets will ultimately go to non-spouse beneficiaries. When these beneficiaries inherit the funds, special rules kick in. You need to know these rules to avoid making a costly mistake.
Retirement Surprising Facts About Retirement Retirement is a topic that regularly makes headlines, and not all of them are encouraging. Americans are living longer than ever before. Here are some of the more startling truths about retirement in the United States.
Retirement What Is Your Ideal 401(k) Contribution? No matter your age, you probably have a lot of questions and concerns about saving for retirement. How to save for it, what options are available, and how much money should you be socking away? Get help determining an ideal 401(k) contribution strategy.
Retirement World's Cheapest and Safest Retirement Countries More people each year choose to retire abroad for a number of reasons. Which countries might you consider for your retirement?
Investing SECURE Act Makes Major Changes in IRA Rules If you are a small business owner, a part-time worker, approaching or over age 70-1/2, a beneficiary of someone's IRA account, or the owner of a 401(k) plan, you MUST read about the changes made by the SECURE Act of 2019.
Retirement How to Plan for Medical Expenses in Retirement A 65-year-old newly retired couple will need $285,000 for medical expenses. Here's how to plan for these expenses.
Social Security Four Unusual Ways to Boost Social Security Benefits There are little-known strategies available that may help you decide when you or your spouse should apply. Here's how to get more from Social Security.
Retirement The Average Retirement Savings By Age A survey of the value of retirement accounts by age group. How do your savings compare to your peer group?