Credit/Debt/Loans The Safe Way to Cancel a Credit Card You’ve likely heard that canceling a credit card account could damage your credit score. And while it is true that closing a credit card can impact your score, that isn’t always the case. Here is a cancellation checklist to follow should you decide to do so.
Investing Dow Jones Industrial Average vs. S&P 500: Knowing the Difference Both indexes arrive at a number by tracking the price movements of a representative list of stocks. Learn the difference between these two indexes.
Credit/Debt/Loans Understanding Credit Card Balance Transfers While the offer looks great on the surface, people who take advantage of it might find themselves on the hook for unexpected interest charges. Learn the balance transfer math, and the deceptive marketing practices identified by the CFPB.
Credit/Debt/Loans Five Ways to Control Emotional Spending For some people, shopping is much more than a pastime - it's actually an addiction called oniomania.
Retirement World's Cheapest and Safest Retirement Countries More people each year choose to retire abroad for a number of reasons. Which countries might you consider for your retirement?
Credit/Debt/Loans Five Things You Need To Be Pre-approved For A Mortgage Potential buyers benefit in several ways by consulting with a lender and obtaining a pre-approval letter. Here's how to get pre-approved for a mortgage.
Credit/Debt/Loans When (and When Not) to Refinance Your Mortgage Refinancing a mortgage means paying off an existing loan and replacing it with a new one. You might want to evaluate refinancing your mortgage.
Investing SECURE Act Makes Major Changes in IRA Rules If you are a small business owner, a part-time worker, approaching or over age 70-1/2, a beneficiary of someone's IRA account, or the owner of a 401(k) plan, you MUST read about the changes made by the SECURE Act of 2019.
Investing Market Downturns Collectively, since 1871, the time it takes for the market to recover (top to trough to top again) is a mere 7.9 months. Learn the history of market downturns and recoveries.
Interesting Ten Promising Job Prospects for 2020 The Bureau of Labor Statistics has determined the occupational fields that will virtually guarantee a job for those graduating in the next few years. Choose your career wisely.
Interesting How Long Will I Live? The average American now lives to 88. Based on 400,000 NIH data samples and a short quiz about your lifestyle, find out what your life expectancy might be.
Credit/Debt/Loans Six Ways To Cut The Cost Of Your Car Loan There are numerous ways to save money on your car payments. Here's how to get a lower cost car loan.
Insurance Four Important Steps For Choosing Dental Insurance Dental insurance policies have an annual limit to coverage, along with a $50 to $100 deductible. To avoid getting caught with unexpected expenses, here are some key steps to take when buying dental insurance.
Credit/Debt/Loans The Six Worst Student Loan Mistakes You Can Make No one loves the idea of student loans. But they're often a necessary evil - the only option for financing college, which (despite some debate of late) remains the best route for good jobs and rewarding careers.
Investing Safe and Liquid Investment Options For Your Emergency Fund When considering where to put your emergency funds, make sure you'll be able to access the money quickly, easily, and without a withdrawal penalty when you need it.
Interesting Ignore the Financial Media The financial media is omnipresent. Whether it’s hearing about what the Dow did today on your drive home or a talking head pontificating about how the markets are obviously about to tank, we are constantly immersed in a miasma of prognostication.
Retirement How to Plan for Medical Expenses in Retirement A 65-year-old newly retired couple will need $285,000 for medical expenses. Here's how to plan for these expenses.
Estate Planning Beware, the IRS is Eyeing Your Inherited Money One of the perils of being well-off is the constant risk that the federal government and/or your friendly state and local tax collectors will figure out new and different ways to snatch more of your wealth, especially wealth that you earned the old-fashioned way: by inheriting it.
Credit/Debt/Loans How a Home-Equity Line of Credit (HELOC) Can Hurt You If you don't manage your home-equity line of credit prudently, a HELOC can become very expensive and get you into financial trouble.
Credit/Debt/Loans Should You Lease or Buy Your Next Car? Many car shoppers are stymied by the decision to lease or buy. Let's see if we can help you with the decision.
Interesting Safe Deposit Boxes: Store This, Not That A safe deposit box (or safety deposit box) is an individually secured container — usually a metal box — that lives in the vault of a federally insured bank or credit union. Here's what (and what not) to put in it.
Insurance Tips and Ideas for Cutting Car Insurance Costs Car insurance rates are on the rise across the country. The good news is that there are things that you can do to minimize increases and/or reduce the burden on your wallet.
Credit/Debt/Loans Mortgage Interest Rates Buying a home with a mortgage is probably the largest financial transaction you will enter into. Here's what you need to know about mortgage interest rates.
Credit/Debt/Loans Are Credit Karma Scores Real and Accurate? Only you can evaluate whether getting a free credit score is really worth giving up your personal information, especially in an era when hackers are alarmingly successful at getting their hands on that personal data.
Credit/Debt/Loans What Happens If You Don't Pay Your Student Loans? Most student loans are guaranteed by the federal government, and the feds have powers about which debt collectors can only dream. Here's why you should pay your student loans.