Interesting A Five-Point Plan for Financial Success Getting yourself on sound financial footing is a lot like building a successful business. It can be a decades-long enterprise requiring planning, skill, patience, and a little bit of luck.
Retirement How to Find an Old 401(k) Account Workers change jobs every 4.2 years on average, according to the most recent Employee Tenure Summary from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Interesting Twelve Habits to Get You to Financial Freedom Financial freedom — having enough savings, investments, and cash on hand to afford the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family — is an important goal for many people.
Interesting Financial New Year's Resolutions You Can Keep The good news about New Year's resolutions is that you get a fresh crack at them each year.
Taxes Tax Prep Checklist: What to Gather Before Filing There are five categories of tax information you must collect to successfully file your tax return.
Estate Planning How to Put Together Your Legacy Drawer If your family loves you unconditionally now – and they probably do – there’s an easy way to keep that love alive after you’re gone.
Interesting Eight Tips To Help You Control Holiday Spending It can be easy to go overboard on holiday shopping.
Interesting What Makes Harrisburg, PA, the Best Place to Retire Harrisburg ranks as the No. 1 Best Place to Retire in the U.S. in 2024.
Cybersecurity What Is Smishing? The term “smishing” is a combination of “SMS” — or “short message service,” the technology behind text messages — and “phishing.”
Cybersecurity How Cyberstalkers Could Access Your iPhone Using the Windows Phone Link App Windows Phone Link is a free Microsoft app that lets people view and access phone calls, text messages, and notifications from their smartphones directly on their Windows 10 or 11 PC.
Interesting Get a Copy of Your or a Loved One’s Military Records If you want to know more about the service of a loved one, an amazing site offers many resources about our country’s heroes.
Cybersecurity Top Hidden Dangers of Your Smart Home (and How to Stay Safe) Our homes are filled with smart tech these days: you may love the convenience of spotting packages from video doorbells or asking Siri how many fluid ounces are in a cup (it’s eight!).
Cybersecurity See a Random Thumb Drive? Be Wary! Slimy hackers are using a trick that always comes back because it works: scattering infected thumb drives in public spaces, like parking lots or offices, to carry out their malicious activities.
Estate Planning Should Children Inherit Equal Wealth? Dividing up your estate among offspring can be a tricky business.
Interesting How To Find Out If You're Owed Unclaimed Money Nowadays, almost everything seems like a scam. But money might be yours, just waiting to be claimed.
Credit/Debt/Loans How Will Debt Settlement Affect My Credit Score? Debt settlement typically has a negative impact on your credit score.
Medicare High Deductible Medicare Plan G Did you know that there is a High Deductible Medicare Plan G? Some beneficiaries find this a surprise since most carriers do not advertise it.
Interesting Eleven Considerations for Seniors Before You Travel Inflation has made everything more expensive.
Cybersecurity Warning: Check Fraud Is Rising If you use paper checks and send them through the mail, it may be time to stop.
Retirement Secure 2.0 Holds Lots of Benefits for Clients The devil isn’t in the details of the SECURE 2.0 Act, but the details could bedevil savers who want to use the new advantages in their retirement strategies.
Interesting Guide to Payment Types, With Pros and Cons for Each Payment is the transfer of money, goods, or services in exchange for goods and services in acceptable proportions that have been previously agreed upon by all parties involved.
Retirement Best Ways to Use Your 401(k) Without a Penalty For those who invest in their 401(k) plan, the traditional thinking is to wait until retirement before taking distributions or withdrawals from the account.
Interesting Mobile Wallet: Definition, How It Works, Vs. Digital Wallets A mobile wallet is a digital wallet that stores payment card information on a mobile device.
Interesting Organize All Your Health Records With This Built-in Smartphone Feature Health apps track your steps, heart rate, sleep patterns, and more. But they’re capable of so much more.
Interesting Ten Useful Siri Shortcuts for Business Professionals Your iPhone and iPad offer a Shortcuts app, which lets you create your own shortcuts that you trigger by talking to Siri or by launching them from the app.